"The most important political office is that of the private citizen." Justice Louis Brandeis

New workshop!
Voting - Who Makes Decisions For YOU?! A Hands-On Workshop.
Before you vote – or register to vote – one must have an idea of how our governing bodies are structured. This workshop covers all that is needed to be informed about our key government bodies, and how to know who one’s elected officials are for all levels of government. It then goes on to show how to find out who is running in upcoming elections – for every level of government! And, of course, we discuss voter registration.
This is a hands-on workshop where folks need to use their [or shared] computers to look up information to fill out two worksheets – about one’s elected officials, and about upcoming candidates for office [plus participants will begin or check their voter registration]. The worksheets will then be handy documents with important tailored election/governing information to which one car refer whenever.
[I'm starting this as an in-person workshop. Please inquire; it's not yet on my descriptive flyer].

Civics for Adults is the brainchild of former educator and librarian, Donna L Cohen MLIS, MEd, to bring non-partisan, content-rich, and interactive workshops to the public, that educate citizens about our political processes and open avenues for civic engagement.

“Our democracy is strengthened when citizens have accurate and non-partisan civic knowledge,” says Donna. “My workshops provide information typically hidden behind the headline-grabbing, background noise of our lives. I inform about our most essential government and political structures, support critical thinking skills by illuminating ways that information may be distorted, and encourage citizen engagement by highlighting multiple ways that we can influence civic and political life.”

Donna continually updates and customizes the content in her four workshops:
  • Misinformation and Propaganda - Telling Truth from Fiction.
  • Citizen Activism 101—Making Change Happen
  • The Constitution—Fulfilling Democracy's Promise? Democracy, the Constitution and Representation in Congress
  • Beyond Voting—Elections and Campaign Financing
These workshops can be in-person or virtual and are always free to participants. The format is a PowerPoint presentation of about one hour, followed by a question/discussion time Workshops are sponsored by a variety of organizations who host them such as libraries, civic groups, and private associations. Any group looking to improve the civic and political literacy of its members is welcome to inquire about the workshops.

Donna believes strongly in the community role of public libraries as free, inclusive, and accessible spaces for lifelong civics education and dialog.

Oregon Library Association Conference April, 2023.
Excited to have presented "Empower your inner activist, empower your patrons – strategies for civic activism and engagement!"  virtually at the Oregon Library Association Conference in April.
My goals were to empower both those who work in libraries as well as patrons to become more knowledgeable about the need and the methods to be civically engaged.
Democracy means self-rule; it doesn't work if we aren't involved. But, it can be confusing to know how to engage. This workshop seeks to demystify the many ways we can make our voice heard. Options abound!

A great way to learn what Civics for Adults is all about is to check out Donna's interview on Oregon Public Broadcasting's Think Out Loud program from Nov. 3, 2020.

From the Citizen Activism workshop:
"Donna provided useful and detailed information that was inspiring! It was in depth, but attainable. I, also liked the focus on local policies that affect us directly. She encouraged me to be the activist that I have wanted be, but have stopped myself from being. She said to start by doing something simple, but courageous. Thank you for this gift."

For more non-partisan civic and political resources follow Civics for Adults nonpartisan Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064653793992 and/or join the email list - which is used sparingly and your email address will never be given to others: dcoheninfo@comcast.net